Synopsis: Join Rattlesnakke as your co-pilot on a high-speed journey through the vibrant heart of Buenos Aires in “Accelera.” Experience the city’s iconic landscapes as they blend into a blur of colors and lights.
Role: Director of Photography
Technical Aspects: Captured with a Sony a6500 camera and Sony G12-24mm & Sigma 24-700mm lenses. Stabilized using a DJI RS2 Gimbal and illuminated by Aperture MC lighting. Scenes securely shot from a moving vehicle using Smallrig SC-2K Car Mount.
Synopsis: Run & gun, zero-budget video for Buenos Aires’ independent musicians Valujua & Brillitxs in “Mi culo es cine.”Â
Role: Director of Photography
Technical Aspects: Filmed with a Sony a6500 and a Sigma 24-70mm lens. Stabilized using a DJI RS3 stabilizer and illuminated with Godox TL 60 bars.
Synopsis: Experience Carmen Villain live at the Future Sound Scapes Festival in Berlin, 2021. This unique recording captures the essence of her performance, combining the live visuals with a studio-recorded track. The fusion of raw performance energy with polished audio clarity offers viewers an immersive experience that showcases Carmen Villain’s dynamic artistry.
Role: Camera & Post-Production
Technical Aspects: